I am and have always been what you would call "different". Even from a young age, there was a curiosity in me that could never be satisfied when it came to "otherworldly" things. I was the child older relatives would call for numbers and to tell them my dreams. I was the elementary student reading about Transcendental Meditation. I was also the 8th grader who took her Ouija board to Field Day at her CATHOLIC middle school (now THAT was interesting... lol). So, it was no surprise that I eventually became the college student that bought a pack of tarot cards and a book and started a 20 year journey of using Cartomancy (card reading) to understand the world, solve problems (big and small) of my own as well as others, and offer advice in a very practical and down-to-earth manner.
I connect best with clients who are open to a virtual and/or physical space of trust that allows for honest advice, laughs, occasional tears, a few bad words (ok, maybe more than a few), and a TON of unconditional love. I may not tell you what you WANT to hear, but will DAMN sure tell you what you NEED to hear, to provide the clarity needed in any given situation. My mission is simple - to give straight-forward advice to help you make empowered decisions for taking charge of every aspect of your life. We all love "warm and fuzzy", but necessary action usually comes from "point blank and practical".
I am a candle burning, hoopdancing, manifesting, novel reading, word-loving Mistress of Cartomancy (I read not only Tarot, but also Lenormand and Oracle cards too!). I am a forever student and life-long learner of astrology, numerology, chakra healing, and all forms of psychic awareness. I live in Detroit, MI, with my awesomely supportive husband, 16 year old son and 7 year old daughter, on a tree-lined street, making magic, reading cards, and saying "HELL YES!" to the opportunities the Divine continues to bless me with!
I can be found laughing, slinging cards, and having all types of mystical fun all over the net! Check me out here:
Instagram: @redlightreadings
Twitter: @redlightreading (no 's')
Facebook: RedLight Readings (Like my page!)
Email: redlightreadings@gmail.com
YouTube: RedLight Readings
Or, if you want to shoot me a private message or ask a question, use the form below!